Raise the Rafters is an event dedicated to fostering the next generation of singers and of people interested in traditional folk songs, singing styles, and their cultural context. This autumn – and hopefully for many years after – we will gather to sing, teach and learn from each other, sing, share songs and ideas, sing, make friends, talk about the tradition and its future, and sing some more! There will be concerts and workshops from staff artists, spaces for attendees to teach workshops, discussions, song shares, and more! We are an intergenerational event and welcome anyone regardless of age, experience, or background.

We believe that social singing creates community, and that the continuation of singing traditions depends upon connection and continuity between generations. We will provide an inclusive, accessible, and affordable space for singers and organizers of all ages. Raise the Rafters was inspired by Youth Traditional Song Weekend, and seeks to establish an event with similar structure and mission to foster community and strengthen singing culture on the West Coast.
The organizing committee for Raise the Rafters is made up of singers based primarily in Seattle, Portland, and the Bay Area. Many of us have been involved before in organizing comparable events, such as contra dance weekends , music retreats, monthly pub sings, and Morris ales. We are so excited to put this event together, and can’t wait to see you there!